Friday, December 13, 2019

Crazy Sock Day!

Dear Friends,

    We have been learning all about how animals survive in the winter. We've talked about hibernation, migration, and adaptation. We're experts now!
    We finished our week with Crazy Sock Day. We're full of Rosendale School spirit!

Have a great weekend!


Thursday, December 5, 2019

Information about Snow Gear!

Dear Families,

This post is important for preparing for winter weather. Children will go outside for recess throughout the winter months. They must have all appropriate snow gear (coats, snow pants, hat, mittens/gloves) to play on the playground during recess when there is snow on the ground. If they do not have ALL of the above listed items they will be allowed on the blacktop only.

Please do lots of practice taking on and off winter clothing independently. In school our goal is for the children to be able to get in and out of their gear on their own (zipping and unzipping coats and snow pants, putting boots on correct feet, dressing in order, etc.)

If your child wears his/her boots to school please be sure they have another pair of sneakers/shoes to change in to. This will help keep our classroom dry and safe. An extra pair of socks is always a good idea too!
Important...tie boots and sneakers should only be worn to school if your child is working on learning to tie. If your child does not know how to independently tie their shoes please consider velcro or slip on shoes for the winter. In kindergarten, we change our shoes as many as 4 times a day and that adds up to a lot of shoe tying for the teacher. 

To carry winter gear to and from school, a reusable tote works best. It's big enough for the children to independently pack wet clothes to be taken home each day.

We are going to have lots of fun this season! Thanks for your help!